Analyse milk, plant-based drinks, and more viscous product samples with the DairyQuant GO lab instrument​

DairyQuant GO, an easy to use at-line milk analysis instrument. Pivette Sampler, Pivette Sealer

This laboratory milk analyser is always ready for your next sample​

Use the same instrument for analysis of liquids and more viscous product samples and don’t worry about the order of the samples. The instrument is always ready for the next sample with no flow system.

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    6 reasons to choose the DairyQuant GO as your at-line milk-analyser:

    Analyse various types of ice-cream with the DairyQuant GO at-line analyser from Q-Interline.

    Endless list of products you can analyse in the DairyQuant GO

    • Whey protein concentrate (WPC)​
    • Concentrates​
    • Ice cream mix​
    • Cocoa milk​
    • Fermented products​
    • Curd
    • Mascarpone​
    • Plant-based milks​
    • Samples with additives and sugar​
    • Standard raw milk​
    • Standard processed milk​
    • Whey​
    • Cream​

    And you need no cleaning nor flushing in between different samples.

    The DairyQuant GO complies with the new IDF standard ISO/IDF21543 for milk analysis of fat, protein, lactose, and total solids.​

    Changing milk analysis​

    High total solids, added protein, added sugar and in general all the challenging and special samples with a tendency to wear cuvettes and block flow-based systems.
    The DairyQuant GO runs standard as well as challenging samples.​

    Everyone can handle DairyQuant GO

    You can leave the analysis to anyone with the DairyQuant GO. Don’t worry about the analyser, air, blocking, or cleaning, everyone can handle the product analysis with the sealed Pivettes®. ​

    3 reasons you save costs with DairyQuant GO

    • no maintenance​
    • easy to use with no break in production​
    • fast and representative measurement ​

    This means product utilization, freeing up time for the instrument manager, and ensuring product quality.​

    Download DairyQuant GO brochure

    Want to learn more or get a demo?

    Fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible

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      DairyQuant GO for at-line milk analysis with no cleaning and no flush

      How is this changing milk analysis?

      See all the benefits and added value you get with DairyQuant Go.
      No hassle, no cleaning!

      Is it really that easy?

      Judge for yourself.
      Watch this video and see how it actually works.

      The blue Pivette®

      Blue Pivette® for traditional low-viscosity dairy samples. Milk analysis with no cleaning and no waste.
      Q-Interline offers both in-line and at-line solutions for analysing plant-based drinks
      Analyse your milk at-line and in-line with Q-Interline's NIR-solutions
      Analyse cocoa milk with the DairyQuant GO from Q-Interline. No cleaning, no flush.

      The blue Pivette® is the standard Pivette® for traditional low-viscosity samples.
      The Pivette® will suck up 0.5 ml of sample.

      The perfect solution for:

      • Raw milk
      • Processed milk
      • Cheese milk
      • Cream
      • Whey
      • WPC
      • Plant based milk
      • Cocoa milk

      The red Pivette®

      The red Pivette® is the heavy-duty Pivette® for special high-viscosity samples. Easy at-line dairy analysis with DairyQuant GO
      Analyse mascarpone and other cream products with the red Pivette® and the DairyQuant GO from Q-Interline.
      Analyse various types of ice-cream with the DairyQuant GO at-line analyser from Q-Interline.
      Analyse skyr and yoghurts at-line in the DairyQuant GO. No flushing, no cleaning between samples.

      The red Pivette® is the heavy-duty Pivette® for special high-viscosity samples. 
      The Pivette® will suck up 0.5 ml of sample. 

      The perfect solution for:

      • Mascarpone
      • Ice cream mix
      • Sauces
      • Skyr

      InfraQuant – the user-friendly user interface

      InfraQuant is the multilingual, intuitive, and easy to use software programme delivered with the DairyQuant GO and Quant analyser. ​

      • Runs on modern windows 10
      • Intuitive and easy to use without training ​
      • Choice between 18 user languages
      • Easy link to AnalyticTrust for instrument surveillance and QA ​
      • Easy link to LIMS
      Illustration of the Q-Interline software, InfraQuant, InSightView

      Your NIR partner and sampling expert​

      Your success and the value you get from our FT-NIR analysers are essential to us. We are more than a supplier, we are your NIR partner.

      We are sampling experts, and we specialise in sampling solutions offering the best presentation and handling of product samples for your most representative analysis.

      You get a 3-years hardware warranty, and no annual service is needed. Our analysers are built to last.

      Q-Interline support on-line and on-site. Fast and dedicated support

      With a support agreement we have your back

      Select the support level that fits your business best whether you need full support or have your own instrument managers on-site.

      The analyser doesn’t bring any changes until the results are validated and the results are used in a new way – you can get our support on data insights and using your data for quality and process improvements. We are committed and focus on your success with the analysers in both the short and long term.​

      ​The analyser is built to last. The support is designed to matter.​

      Online surveillance for proactive reactions to issues​

      Secure the performance of your analyser and the consistency in the analysis results 24/7 with our cloud-based surveillance tool, AnalyticTrust®. ​

      Keep control of your data and always base your decisions on trustworthy results. ​

      Online surveillance tool, AnalyticTrust. Illustration showing the data flow and opportunities.
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