Products and services

NIR analysis solutions​ for your product analysis in laboratory and directly in the production line


Illustration of the Quant FT NIR analyzer from Q-Interline. One base analyzer many sampling options
Quant – One base analyser with uniquely optimized sampling accessories for most representative analysis

With the unique sampling accessories, you can adapt the Quant to analyse almost any dairy, agriculture, food, and ingredient sample. ​

You need either no or minimal cleaning of the sampling containers or you can simply dispose them. And you can analyse even very heterogenic samples. We take sanitary sampling and representative analysis seriously.​

DairyQuant GO

Illustration of the DairyQuant GO Sealer and Sampler with blue Pivette®
No carry-over and no calibration adjustments with DairyQuant GO​​

The DairyQuant GO is our popular analyser used by dairy groups in 40 countries. You can measure e.g. mascarpone, curd, whole milk, and skim milk as well as plant-based drinks and other liquids. ​

With our patented Pivettes® you need no cleaning and no flushing in between samples. And don’t worry about the order of the samples. ​

InSight Pro

The InSight Pro cabinet with two measuring points for in-line process optimization
Fast return on investment with our in-line analysis solution InSight Pro​​

InSight Pro offers real-time process insights.

You can transfer calibrations from at-line to in-line as the FT-NIR technology, the base analyser, and the calibrations are the same as with our at-line solutions.  ​

We have solutions for powders, liquids, semi-solid, and pasty products

To ensure it’s all running smooth

Support Agreement

Q-Interline support on-line and on-site. Fast and dedicated support
With a support agreement we have your back​​

Your analyser doesn’t bring any changes until the analysis results are validated and used to optimize your production and product quality.
Q-Interline is committed to focus on your effect in the short and long term.

The analyser is built to last. Our support is designed to matter.​

​You can choose the level of support best suited for your business. ​


Online surveillance tool, AnalyticTrust. Illustration showing the data flow and opportunities.
Online surveillance for proactive reactions to issues​​​

Secure the performance of your analyser and the consistency in the analysis results 24/7 with our cloud-based surveillance tool, AnalyticTrust®. ​

Keep control of your data and always base your decisions on trustworthy results. ​

Keep a safe backup of your calibrations in one place.

You can get AnalyticTrust® as part of your support agreement or buy your own license.  ​

Multilingual and user-friendly instrument software for your easy access to data


Illustration of the Q-Interline software, InfraQuant, InSightView
The user-friendly and secure user interface for your at-line solution ​​

InfraQuant is your multilingual wizard-driven, intuitive, and easy to use software programme delivered with DairyQuant GO and other Quant solutions. The software enables easy link to any LIMS system by means of a standard XML format.​


Illustration of the in-line analysis solution InSight Pro cabinet with InSightView software
InSightView process screen – an important part of your user experience​​​

With InSight Pro you get InSightView, an intuitive and easy-to-read software in a console to be placed right in the process near the operators. ​

As an operator you have the process composition, averages, and trends available in real time right where you need them. This allows for tight process control and optimised profit.​

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